In one part of Howard’s NDE he was debating with Jesus and the Angels about whether he should return to Earth. Howard wanted to stay but he was told they needed to return as he was needed as part of God’s plan – which applies to all of us:
I asked every question I could think to ask, and they answered every question. They told me I needed to return to the world. […]
‘You have many things to learn in the world and you still have your job to do which is to take care of the people God needs you to love.’
‘Who am I supposed to love?’
‘Your mother, father, sisters, wife, son, daughter, students, fellow teachers, and neighbors. You were born to love those people.’
‘You can take care of them. You wold do a much better job of loving them and helping them than I could do.’
‘We do love them and care for them, but you are the hands in the world to care for them. This is your job that you were created to do.’
‘The world will go on without me. I don’t see why it is necessary for me to live in the world.’
‘You can save the world.’
‘I don’t think so. I’m nobody and I’m not going to save the world. People who thought they were going to save the world are nuts. Most of them like Hitler and Napoleon were maniacs who did more harm than good. how could I save the world?’
‘You are to love the person you are with.’
‘How will that save the world?’
‘When you love a person, that person will love another, and that person will love the next one, and so on.’
‘What if one of those persons gets run over by a truck? Then it comes to an end.’
‘You are not alone in God’s plan to save the world. There are millions of people loving people.’
‘There are millions of people hating each other too.’
‘This is God’s will and it will be done. There are many more angels in the world than people. They are trying to influence people to love and care for each other. All Heaven prays for the world to change. It is God’s will and God’s will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven.’
Good evening, Thank you so much for lovely website and I felt so loved by your blogs. Keep up a great work and love the people you are with.