Meeting the Christ
(04:57) The next thing that happened to me was I asked to see the Christ, whom I address as the Christ, maybe your higher spirit, your guardian angel, whatever, but to me it was the Son of God.
And instantly this love that I felt intensified millions of times over. And there was another man standing next to me and I knew immediately it was Christ. And I was looking down at his feet and I kept coming up higher and higher and I was coming up to his face and when I got to his face I couldn’t see any facial features. It was all brilliant light. And it didn’t burn your eyes, it is not like staring at the sun where you can’t look for very long and then you have to look away. This was a brilliant light that you could look at and you wanted to stay there, you were drawn to it.
And I remember the love, the forgiveness, the truth. Truth was known, knowledge was known. “Everything was going to be okay” – that was the message at all times to me.
Life review
(06:28) The Christ when he arrived immediately started what Near Death Experiencers call a life review. And for me, how mine worked, was it was like a screen. And on the screen were pictures of people’s faces. And these people were the people that I had had interactions with throughout my entire lifetime. And whatever I had caused that person to feel as a result of my interaction with them – that was what I felt for a brief second, very intense. Whether it was, we had a good interaction or we had a bad interaction, I felt that intensity. And then it kept rolling. Just fast as could be, just lightning fast of people’s faces. But yet I comprehended everything that was going on. Time has no meaning. The time that I was there by earthly terms was 4 hours, but it seemed like I was there only a few seconds. But time has no meaning there.
The next thing the Christ asked me, he said “What did you learn from seeing all of these face?” And I said to him that “Love was the best choice”. And he said “You are right”. And I saw how I had to be careful how I treated people. And I never will forget that part of my near death experience.
The pool and the ripple
(08:20) The next thing the Christ showed me was a pool of water, more of a pond. And it was outside, and there were trees around it. And a single drop of water, like a raindrop, fell. And I could see the ripple effect of when the drop of water fell into the pond. And he said “Don’t you see, your actions are just like the ripple effect in that pond. Everything you do, not only affects those people, but it affects those that ripple on, and further out and further out and further out. It touches people’s lives that I had no idea. But it does. It has the ripple effect.
Remember three things
(09:19) The Christ then told me that I would have to go back. And of course I didn’t want to. I wanted to stay, horribly, I wanted to stay. And he said “I want you to remember these three things”. And what I was told was:
(1) To have more love – Which I’ve contemplated years now since my near death experience exactly what facets that could mean.
(2) Not to be afraid of what I had left behind – I’m not real proud of a lot of the choices I’ve made in my life. I’ve made some bad choice, I’ve made some good choices. But I understood what he meant when he said that.
(3) To enjoy life – Life is short and then we come into a different place.